Sexting Tips

Sexting Tips
Sexting Tips
Are you unsure as to how initiate “sexting?” We all want to have a little fun now and then on our mobile devices, but we may not be so sure how to go about it if it’s with someone whom we are still in the process of gaining intimacy with.
Follow these steps and you will have the best sexting experience with a new-found stranger who may be a friend with benefits, or more!
See some sexting tips below or go to the main home page for many hot and dirty sexting examples from visitors like you.
Sexting tip #1, make sure that it’s okay with the person on the other end of the phone! You should first make sure that this person is okay with sexting and that they are comfortable doing it with you. We sometimes mistake people and the types of behavior that we perceive may not be the same as their intention (or they are just playing games.) Did you know that if you partake in unsolicited sexual messages that it’s considered sexual harassment? This can get you in a lot of trouble, especially if it’s with a minor or an employee at work.
Sexting tip #2, adults only! Make sure that this person is an adult! If they are a minor, and you aren’t, then you and only you, can get in a deep amount of trouble. Make sure that the person you’re dealing with is honest in telling you their age. Many girls will lie about it just so that they can continue some type of a relationship with a guy. Don’t let this happen to you, ever.
Sexting tip#3, relax when you are having a conversation with this other person. Don’t be afraid about feeling embarrassed the next time that you see them. Play it off as a joke by saying,” Last night was fun, wasn’t it?” Once you can relax and go with the flow of things then you may enjoy it much more than if you were tense the whole time.
Sexting Tip #4, Speak the same sexual language as the other person and don’t get too intense if they are texting you with simple vocabulary. If the other person has initiated the conversation, and they are intense with it and you don’t mind, and then go with that too. If both of you are on different levels when it comes to this type of behavior, then it won’t get far. Sexting tips revolve around being on the same level of pleasure and the climax being mutual.
Sexting tip #5, leave no evidence of this on your phone. Even if a friend were to get a hold of your phone to flip through pictures, and you accidentally had one in which you were ashamed of you cannot take that risk! Hopefully, this won’t be the situation but in the case of an affair this happens far too often! Avoid affairs and avoid sexual evidence for anyone else to get their hands on. Now that you are aware of the dos and don’ts of sexual texting you can go into it not making a completely fool out of yourself!
Sexting Do’s and Don’ts
Sexting Do’s and Don’ts
Sexting do’s and don’ts are quite simple to remember if you have a bit of a rational sense when you are behaving provocatively with another woman or man. This can be a fun way to entertain yourself and the other person, especially if you’re too embarrassed to behave the same way in person. A lot of us will turn to these types of things to get the ball rolling but there are certain rules to follow before you start this type of texting behavior.
First off, you should make sure that you and that other person are comfortable with each other in person so that it isn’t awkward the next time that you see them. It would be horrible to have the best sexting and then when you see them, they are embarrassed by their behavior. To break the ice in person crack a joke about it and make them feel light hearted instead of unsure as what to say.
The sexting do’s and don’ts are:
- Do take it slow in the beginning. Don’t abruptly send a long text of all the things that you want to do to this person. Not only this is going to scare them away, but it’s going to break the anticipation, and the anticipation is the best part- leading to our next do.
- Do build up the anticipation for a long time so that the texting session is worth it! The more anticipation you build up, the more interested she is going to be in how you are up close and personal instead of just through the phone.
- Don’t speak another language than the other person. If they have initiated this type of conversation, and they are using simple words to turn you on, then don’t return the conversation with some fantastic vocabulary or with a much exaggerated tone of voice. Stick to their tone so that they don’t feel completely out of place.
- Don’t send pictures if you barely know this person. Not only is this going to result in some sort of evidence, but if it ends up in the wrong hands, then you may be screwed for all of eternity! Let’s not mention what happened to Kim Kardashian and your sex tape. Don’t let that happen to you by sending pictures to someone whom you aren’t completely sure of. Those things floating around can be blackmailed in their finest forms!
- The best Sexting do’s and don’ts piece of advice. Don’t take part in sexting if you are already in a relationship! If you aren’t satisfied with your relationship as of now, then you shouldn’t be in it period; especially, if that other person is being completely faithful to you and unaware of your behavior. Don’t lie to someone who is wholeheartedly giving you his all while you are doing half of the work he is doing. Also, sexting is a bad way for them to find out that you ARE cheating. Yes, this is a form of cheating.
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